Monday 8 June 2015

The Suns Eleven Year Cycle And Micro Black Hole Dark Matter

The Suns Eleven Year Cycle And Micro Black Hole Dark Matter Objects which orbit the galaxy clump together in density waves and the same must be true for dark matter. The Suns up and down fusion cycle can be explained by these density waves, as less dark matter means less nuclear fusion as the micro black holes may be the catalyst for that process or more likely that they make the process far easier. As the Sun moves in and out of these density waves of dark matter orbiting the galaxy nuclear fusion goes up and down with dark matter density. The sum of it is, humanity should be able to turn its telescopes to the region behind (if the sun is moving faster than the dark matter) or in front (if the sun is moving slower than the dark matter) of the Suns orbit of the galaxy and see some beautiful gravitational lenseing from the dark matter density cloud we are leaving behind, or lagging behind in our orbit around the Milky Way.

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