Thursday 25 June 2015

Matter Micro Black Holes, Annihilation And The Sun

The first Chart indicates objects influencing the sun, and that they orbit the galaxy in the opposite direction from matter in the galaxy.
These can only be antimatter micro black holes. They are doing this:
Yet what are these antimatter micro black holes interacting with? Its probably fairly simple: Matter micro black holes. See how the top graph shows a short and choppy wave arrival interference pattern, and that the same direction of pattern is plotted, but in a all wrong longer wave? The Sun must be orbiting relatively WITH a cloud of matter micro black holes, and orbiting into waves of antimatter micro black holes. What I think is happening is that in the center of the sun, gravity is high enough that these two opposite black holes are forced close enough that their respective Hawking Radiation is annihilating and increasing the temperature of the sun. What this also suggests is that there are larger spiral arms of these micro black holes (matter and oppositely orbiting antimatter). This is probably what made the dinosaurs world so freaking hot. The sun must have been in a large spiral arm of matter micro black holes, which when encountered the outnumbering antimatter micro black holes solar temperature went WAY up. The next graph, shows a large mass effecting the antimatter density wave that just passed through the sun, so by about 2021-2023, it is likely going to become very hot, very quickly.

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