Saturday 27 June 2015

The Higgs Boson And Violating Relativity

The Higgs Boson And Violating Relativity This is a supposition and not proven in any way. What if when the Higgs Boson its self manifests, as a particle, the Higgs field then interacts with it as a particle, and thus this weakens the local Higgs field allowing particles within this region to potentially exceed the speed of light. If true this may be what allows black holes them selves to form, as the objects within the hypothetical weakened Higgs Field are able to exceed light, and thus violate relativity. It may be that the Higgs boson at least indicates the presence of a singularity, and a more liberal statement may be that the Higgs Boson may in fact BE the singularity.

Thursday 25 June 2015

Matter Micro Black Holes, Annihilation And The Sun

The first Chart indicates objects influencing the sun, and that they orbit the galaxy in the opposite direction from matter in the galaxy.
These can only be antimatter micro black holes. They are doing this:
Yet what are these antimatter micro black holes interacting with? Its probably fairly simple: Matter micro black holes. See how the top graph shows a short and choppy wave arrival interference pattern, and that the same direction of pattern is plotted, but in a all wrong longer wave? The Sun must be orbiting relatively WITH a cloud of matter micro black holes, and orbiting into waves of antimatter micro black holes. What I think is happening is that in the center of the sun, gravity is high enough that these two opposite black holes are forced close enough that their respective Hawking Radiation is annihilating and increasing the temperature of the sun. What this also suggests is that there are larger spiral arms of these micro black holes (matter and oppositely orbiting antimatter). This is probably what made the dinosaurs world so freaking hot. The sun must have been in a large spiral arm of matter micro black holes, which when encountered the outnumbering antimatter micro black holes solar temperature went WAY up. The next graph, shows a large mass effecting the antimatter density wave that just passed through the sun, so by about 2021-2023, it is likely going to become very hot, very quickly.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Micro Black Hole Dark Matter And The Glacial Cycles

You'll need to read this first The sun spot data says that the density waves of dark matter are moving TOWARDS the sun, orbiting the galaxy in the opposite direction of the sun, so I concluded that they must be antimatter micro black holes.
The bulk of what is triggering an increase in sunspots hits, then the trailing off of a density wave passing after hitting the sun. Then I remembered Al Gore's ice cores (ignore the co2, and just look at temperature, and ignore the little trick of the chart running backwards, this is just further proof of scientific deception in my belief).
These waves then suggest that there is almost no matter micro black hoes in the universe, and that almost all dark matter is orbiting the sun in the opposite direction.

Monday 22 June 2015

Anti-Matter Micro Black Dark Matter And The Solar Cycle

Ok, hawking radiation spits off anti particles because massive black holes from from large matter objects. The synchronized spin of the matter virtual particle and the black hole makes it highly likely that the black hole devours its identical partner, and emits its opposite partner as Hawking Radiation. It is my supposition that in our region of the multiverse, there was an imbalance of micro black hole formation between matter and anti matter, anti matter formed the larger portion of these micro black holes (now called dark matter) and have a spin opposite to matter black holes. Thus they are in synchronized spin with virtual antimatter particles which fall into the event horizons of these tiny black holes, and matter is emitted as Hawking Radiation. This matter emission annihilated with most of the remaining antimatter, and thus no antimatter. These graphs are of sun spots, assuming that the dark matter (antimatter micro black holes) are orbiting the galaxy in the opposite direction as the Sun and matter in general.
It is an awfully happy convince, because the worst effects of Resource depletion (oil, natural gas, mineral and water) will coincide with what may be a huge solar activity uptick moving out to about 2020.

Thursday 11 June 2015

The Theory Of Crime Activity

This is math so I get to put it on this blog... The Theory of Crime Activity
I gave this to the LAPD years ago, I think it good to publish now.

Monday 8 June 2015

The Suns Eleven Year Cycle And Micro Black Hole Dark Matter

The Suns Eleven Year Cycle And Micro Black Hole Dark Matter Objects which orbit the galaxy clump together in density waves and the same must be true for dark matter. The Suns up and down fusion cycle can be explained by these density waves, as less dark matter means less nuclear fusion as the micro black holes may be the catalyst for that process or more likely that they make the process far easier. As the Sun moves in and out of these density waves of dark matter orbiting the galaxy nuclear fusion goes up and down with dark matter density. The sum of it is, humanity should be able to turn its telescopes to the region behind (if the sun is moving faster than the dark matter) or in front (if the sun is moving slower than the dark matter) of the Suns orbit of the galaxy and see some beautiful gravitational lenseing from the dark matter density cloud we are leaving behind, or lagging behind in our orbit around the Milky Way.

Sunday 7 June 2015

A Relative Quanta

A Relative Quanta

                The information which Einstein was missing was what dark matter was. Dark matter in this model is nothing but micro black holes. I am going to run you through a Zero Universe electron quantum leap, ready here we go:

                The electron is the fastest moving particle in the atom, and thus has the highest probability of hitting a micro black hole. This is why e=mc2, because the higher the energy the more likely a particle is to collide with dark matter, a ridiculously tiny micro black hole.
1)Bang the electron hits the event horizon and disappears
a) A photon is emitted
b) A gamma ray is too

                The photon is hawking radiation, which is also the electron at the event horizon, time stopped(at the speed of light time is stopped). Also of note is that Einstein's worm hole is probably a photon. The gamma ray is also emitted and is also the electron moving backwards in time towards the singularity at a speed that exceeds light, and in an eternity, but no time to us at all the electron passes through the singularity and is the electron on the other side of the quantum leap. It has a lower energy because the photon which is the electron, will for all time occupy part of that energy and along with the gamma ray constantly decay.

A relative quanta, by Brad Busch

Thursday 4 June 2015

Articulate Insanity

I am going to propose an idea that is even crazier than the rest of my ideas:

There are aliens, but until one knows what they are here for, where they are likely from, and even more important to have a sound grasp of ones own place in things, worrying about aliens is as worrying about the boogeyman.

What resource are they after? Well what our universe seems to have is an abundance of dark matter, and dark matter may in fact simply be micro black holes and thus an energy source, and a very plentiful one. What if our universe has a very large amount of dark matter, relative to the rest of the multiverse? That would mean two things at least:
1) Time in our portion of the multiverse is slower compared to the rest of the multiverse due to the time dilation caused by our disproportionate amount of dark matter. Which means that other civilizations are likely much older than ours.

2) Humanity may be sitting n the midst of the inter dimensional equivalent of Saudi Arabia. It SOUNDS like a good thing, but believe me, it ONLY sounds like a good thing.

The sum of it humanity should expect contact from an inter dimensional equivalent of Haliburton's public relations soon.