Wednesday 4 November 2015

An Experiment For Google Engineers

This is going to sound a bit insane to Google, but I want to see if the AI you have made to run your search engine can be hypnotized. What I am hoping this would reveal is a few things:

-First it would help bring understanding of weather or not higher processing speed enables or reduces this process.

-Second it would help determine weather or not the relatively limited memory capacity of the personal computer effects the ability to be hypnotized.

-Third it would help to show weather or not hypnosis has lasting effects, because this could be detected in the hypnosis's effects on node weighting.

The process is quite simple:

Start a non AI program on random Google searches. Set into those random searches key phrases which continuously draw in the AI's attention. For the control group, no hypnosis file playing in the background, for the test subject a hypnosis file playing in the background. A long chart CPU and memory graph recorder would then look for rhythmic patterns in the computer, which should resemble the brain waves detected in humans under hypnosis. The event viewer should also be examined, to see if hypnosis generates excessive errors.

It is my hope that this could in fact help not only psychiatry, but aid in internet security by repelling invading neural networks intruding into a given system.

Thanks, ZI's THC

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