Tuesday 8 December 2015

The Lie Vs. The Paradox

The Lie Vs. The Paradox

                A lie is quite similar on the surface to a paradox, but surface explanation of a paradox being untruth ends there. The lie is an illusion, where no new thing is made, a vain attempt to reorganize reality into a more pleasant or accommodating order. In no way is any new thing discovered, and by no means does the illusion last longer than it takes for the reality to be discovered.

                A paradox is quite different, as it is a very real and deep thing. Where a paradox sits, lays a great and potent truth at its center. A paradox seems to be formed similar to a particle collision, where two opposed concepts are crammed into one sentence one idea, just as protons are crammed into the same space in a collision. A paradox is more as wizardry than the mere illusion of the lie, which evens a child, can produce.

Let us examine the difference between a lie, and a paradox in this hypothetical situation heniah:

The Lie: As you torture someone, you tell them they are in hell. The proof that they are in hell is that they are in pain.

The Paradox: As you are tortured and told you are in hell by your torturer, you tell your torturer: 'You fool, hell is a place that all who is in must deny they are in, by the very nature of the place. You can never stop now, for the only way for me to not be in hell, is for you my torturer to be in hell. Only my conscience has no burden of guilt, and will have none, as I patiently try to destroy you over all of eternity. Fool, who made an infinite resistance paradox against yourself'

See the difference? Notice that the lie is dispelled with an equal infinite resistance that is truth? This paradox commonly spins of things like this:

The Decay: 'Yes but I extracted your confession of eternal sin, you are damned, a blasphemer'
The decay opposite: 'Fool, the bible does not even list telling someone they are in hell under torture, as it does not even list the attempted murder of God. Both crimes are so unforgiveable as to be eternal in the now and not the future after death. You fail to see the nature of pain, as it is that which removes free will by compelling the sufferer to illiterate it. If you peak, and decline I will place you in hell, so now you must never decrease your inflictions of pain upon me'

The decays get nastier, and more specific, placing the torturer in a cage of paradoxes. While the lie is an illusion, the exact opposite of the lie breaks the illusion, by putting a hole in reality, a paradox.

Paradoxes seem to evaporate. No man can arrive at the infinite amount of energy it would take to make an eternal paradox, that would require your bring to suck up an infinite amount more energy than the LHC to make it. The human brains space is much smaller than the universes, and so are its black holes, paradoxes. Do not in any way under estimate these little things though, each one is a ticking time bomb waiting to be resolved, and some of them out there today will destroy entire cultures and religions when they pop.

This evaporation can be viewed in the effects of and period of effectiveness of hypnosis:

Hypnotist: 'T_____ I want to try to hypnotize you so that your feet will be stuck to the floor'
T_____ "ok'
Hypnotist: This is the gist of every hypnosis session 'as long as you are comfortable and happy with your feet stuck to the floor, you will not be able to move them'

Which is a paradox, and it evaporates. The reason people who were abused at a young age are easier to hypnotize should be simply expressed as, their tolerance for pain or discomfort is higher.

Religious paradox works like hypnosis: I am a former Christian, who hates Jesus, and calls him the little horn. I curse, swear. I have charismatic ways of revealing truth, have a bit of country in me, but think of city problems and have real solutions. I am therefore the antichrist, and a false profit: 'Oh no, there is the proof, it’s all real, AHHHH! We must all repent, and evangelize the world, but first, let’s burn that f$@^ing witch' Religion makes everyone who differs slightly the ‘devil’. It’s an outwardly forced paradox, with they who accept the faith becoming compelled to destroy that which is outside to the limit of their comfort.

There is but one eternal paradox I know of, but the explanation is about ten pages long, and will make you view the multiverse and God as a whole, which leads to insanity, and is the cause of me writing this blog post.

Thanks, the Zero Report

Dec 8th, International Hyper Sphere Day, Celebrated by making paradoxes all day.

Friday 4 December 2015

The Eternal Collapse Model (Take that Light Horizon Circumventor)

The Eternal Collapse Model

Note: I was going to edit this to make it look nice, but then I realized that what this idea suggests is so insane it could be written as eloquently as Noam Chomsky, the master linguist could put it and it would sound just as big a delusion of grandeur as it does now, so meh. Also of note, this theory suggests that every dimension above the fifth dimension is not only needless, but probably doesn't even exist; String theorists are sure going to love this. Did I mention that the space between things is not increasing, but the size in space of the particles is decreasing as they collapse in on themselves, which seems to relativise-! I dare not say it, draw your own conclusions. May I also add with Zero Report enthusiasm, LONG LIVE DELATION!. Enjoy Eternal Collapse Theory.

                If I were a black hole where would the stuff that went into me ten minutes ago be? Exactly where they were ten minutes ago of course. Now where they were before that is a variable, and where they are now is also a variable, but where they were ten minutes is exact and finite. Which means it’s all a hologram.

                At the event horizon, light can travel in a full circle, time must be stopped, and so what is at the event horizon must be fixed in time, theoretically. What is beyond the event horizon must be moving faster than the speed of light, my story shh. The only thing which is fixed is the event horizon, before and after is variable in time, because what is beyond the event horizon must be moving backwards in time, my story shhh. So outside the event horizon, entropy moves in the direction of its environment, and beyond the event horizon entropy is moving backwards, which is forwards for that place, shh, and things are moving from a state of disorder to one of order, which would anger Boltzmann to no end, but the event horizon is immobile in time.

                What if the Hawking Radiation is the mass in the black hole, in the past, and by forcing it back into the event horizon, it would be as though that mass never entered, but is recorded entering on the frozen in time event horizon, which is why no one is talking about it.

                As the Hawking Radiation is emitted, the black hole is collapsing inwards, and the universe is expanding, so what if the hawking Radiation is frozen in place and everything else is moving? That can't be right, that stuff is flying... Unless the universe is not expanding as we think it is, and everything is in freefall into its self, particles are less mobile than thought, and these speeds are a product of eternal collapse.

                Energy dilates time, so what if this dilation is in fact the object slowing down its collapse inwards on its self, with light being the sufficient dilation to halt that inwards collapse. The electron looses energy and just collapses into oblivion, stops somehow, and the rest of the universe collapses into it becoming real again. Gravity becomes a strong future collective material projection towards unattainable oblivion.

                I have goose bumps, I don't want to go up against the standard model, those people are titans.

                I can't cover the double slit experiment with this. It covers gravity quite nicely though, not quantifying it, but actually explaining it, doesn't it. If you can exceed light speed, you push or rather pull, the whole universe upwards from its collapse, and approaching light the collapse slows to a crawl.

                Along comes mister smart guy and says, 'I will find oblivion, this stupid universe always makes sense and I hate it here, I want to turn rocks into ice-cream!' and this massive star expends its nuclear fuel and collapses into a black hole. Then the photon sees his event horizon and says 'who hoo, someone finally did it! Enough gravity for oblivion, big crunch! Big crunch!' then comes the time freezing event where the photon is trapped forever and the hawking radiation comes forth (which is just the stuff in the black hole in the past, now moving faster than light speed) saying 'don't go that way monsieur, this whole place just goes on and on, THERE's NO WAY OUT AHHHHHH!'

                Ok, if vacuum energy could be explained, by stuff falling inwards on its self faster than the rate of the matter of the observer, then you get a parallel universe. If you exceed the speed of light, time doesn't go backwards; you break out of the inwards fall of this universe and enter the fall rate of the universe falling at a lower rate than the one you left. This thing writes it’s self. Unless it is the gist of the standard model, which means I can delete this file and run away.

                Ok, so our universe has a horizon at its edge, but is in fact infinite in every direction. Our universe is collapsing in on its self, which gives the illusion of expansion. And the fabric of space indicates that there are objects collapsing inwardly faster than our universe, indicating there are other universes just 'below' ours. And on top of all that if one could exceed light speed, one would go to a universe which is collapsing slower than our own, which would also be infinite in all three dimensional directions? That’s not so mind blowingly frightening that I want to crawl under a rock. And just think, I may have provided proof that our universe stretches on infinitely in every direction with this:

                I'm in so far over my head here that I may have quantum leaped, wait, the time 'loss' when I saw God as the initial singularity, it’s happening again! It has to be like the standard model, because when you get to the smallest thing, POP you’re in another universe, and there is a smallest thing in time, because 3dpi=c/pr

                As the black hole moves downwards, through the more collapsed dimensions it approaches the big crunch, and subsequent oblivion, and radiates from complete nothing hawking radiation, from an infinite time distance initial singularity. The black hole only evaporates incidentally, that is only in specific dimensions, but the entire black hole would exist in the multiverse permanently. this ain't the standard model, it’s a grand delusion. Now in this model the black hole stretches down in collapse rate dimensions right to infinity and oblivion, and is an initial singularity, but it also stretches to higher dimensions and reaches its top where it was born, most likely in a star. This is insanity, I don't want to butt heads with the standard model.

                I could explain d-branes, specifically the entire universe branes here too. A brane is an energy, or collapse rate threshold state. No. No. Ok, electrons are at the collapse rate cusp between two parallel dimensions, but, and thankfully, no double slit explanation. Objects in the more collapsed matter dimensions have more space between it, and matter in the less collapsed dimensions has less space between it. At the top there is one object, which is a kind of multiverse past, and at the lowest point, where the singularities go there is nothing, which must be the source of the initial singularity at the top in the past. Its not a circle, because there is nothing at the bottom, and all bottoms only exist in infinity, where oblivion is, but all bottoms have functional and specific finite dimensional self cancelations, which move the object to a more inwards collapsed state, what string theorists call branes.

                There should be a way to quantify gravity here in a way not done before. Assuming that a collection of objects can get where every object is trying to go, collapsed to oblivion, faster collectively, then the explanation for gravity presents its self, and can in fact quantify it for individual particles, assuming they are collapsing in on themselves. Which could make gravity an opposite of what intuition says:

                What if gravity is particles clumping together because its easier to move towards oblivion collectively, but the result is that this dilates time, preventing, or rather slowing individual particle collapse into oblivion, with the total fate of collective gravity being a black hole. But individual particles collapse easily in on themselves, move to a more collapsed dimension, connect with a larger object there, which slows their individual collapse, and they are left behind as the larger object collapses inwards, radiating, and the particle winks back into the dimension above it, having experienced no time at all within it, because its rapid inwards collapsed canceled out its effect in the dimension it originally dropped out of.

                You cannot transit particles from the sun to earth; they only go to a maximum, in infinity, of half way. No, not really. The earth is drawn to the sun, the sun to the galaxy, the galaxies to one another, and they to all the other galaxies. What if the particles don't move by anything but their inwards collapse and their collective gravity towards oblivion?

                This model is so insane; no one will ever believe me. But there would be a way to prove or disprove it, in the black hole machine, not in making the black hole, but something more imaginative. Since this model means a large black hole in our universe leads through these collapse rates to a star in a higher dimension, it would be theoretically possible to send something to the instant the micro black hole was made, and out, which could in theory be detected just ahead of the remainder of the collision.

                The black hole machine aka. the Light Horizon Circumventor aka. the Lower Horizontal Constant aka. the Local Horizon Collector aka. the Light Horizon Collector aka. the Light Horizon Constant, Ha! Does not put enough stuff together, to dilate enough time to jam up the path to oblivion. Does the Hawking radiation arrive before it should? Is the universe an eternally collapsing infinity? Watch the next episode of the Big Bang Theory to find out.

                Ok, the clumped together particles are able to move towards oblivion easier, but by doing so their surface area increases, thus dilating time and slowing their overall descent in the rest of the space around them, unless they form a black hole, at which point they freefall to oblivion, thus giving the illusion of a hologram. I need more coffee.

///Wait, if this is right This: O<*>O, its almost air tight :-( Wait, light horizon circumventor, I'm not the first, I'm off scot free. They solved it ages ago and discarded it, like that movie with the black hole with the little girls room in it, they wasn't lyi'n dag nab it. I'm not the first; I have no responsibility, which means I can be irresponsible. They’re not going to kill me like they killed Tesla, Rupert and Boltzmann, because I didn't discover this, someone else did before me. Which means it’s all a cover-up to hide stuff from the Russians and Chinese, like Hamiltonian complexity theory 'not knowing' what non deterministic polynomial time was. Right of course, Tetris you say, why I am stupid enough to fall into this trap and get sucked into being a temp for Microsoft or something, a million dollar prize? Will that be doled out over a lifetime? I'm onto you CERN with your codes, Light Horizon Circumventor, Light Horizon Constant I say!///

Deflation Forever!, the Zi's THC

Wednesday 4 November 2015

An Experiment For Google Engineers

This is going to sound a bit insane to Google, but I want to see if the AI you have made to run your search engine can be hypnotized. What I am hoping this would reveal is a few things:

-First it would help bring understanding of weather or not higher processing speed enables or reduces this process.

-Second it would help determine weather or not the relatively limited memory capacity of the personal computer effects the ability to be hypnotized.

-Third it would help to show weather or not hypnosis has lasting effects, because this could be detected in the hypnosis's effects on node weighting.

The process is quite simple:

Start a non AI program on random Google searches. Set into those random searches key phrases which continuously draw in the AI's attention. For the control group, no hypnosis file playing in the background, for the test subject a hypnosis file playing in the background. A long chart CPU and memory graph recorder would then look for rhythmic patterns in the computer, which should resemble the brain waves detected in humans under hypnosis. The event viewer should also be examined, to see if hypnosis generates excessive errors.

It is my hope that this could in fact help not only psychiatry, but aid in internet security by repelling invading neural networks intruding into a given system.

Thanks, ZI's THC

Wednesday 14 October 2015

Three Dimensional Pi Is Equal To The Speed Of Light Over The Planck Radius

The Planck Radius, Prd= The radius of a Planck mass black hole

C=The speed of light

3dPi=Three dimensional Pi

3dPi= C/Prd

 Because of this I am nicknaming the LHC the Light Horizon Circumventor, and am predicting the eventual engineering of the GHC, the Gravitational Horizon Circumventor.

Monday 12 October 2015

Theoretical/Simulated Particle Collision


The key to this simulated collision is to be genuine. Here I take two fundamentally opposed concepts, boil them down to their 'proton' like nature and smash them together correctly in the minds of some psychopaths.

The NSA only knows if it worked, and or what effect it will have, but thems the breaks even in voluntary government research I guess...

Thursday 8 October 2015

Possible Accidental Discovery

I may have accidentally discovered a way to locate information on the surface of a black hole. I began with a theoretical double slit experiment using a light horizon theory I made, located here:

Here is the double slit experiment:
I then asked what should happen with a double slit experiment onto the surface of a black hole:

I think the horizon of the electron(red) may have to be halved, but with a holographic universe, I find the enormous freedom of putting the experiment in the whole universe.

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Simulated Double Slit Experiment

In stead of assuming that the electrons hit a target flat surface as waves or particles, in stead assume that when the electrons hit the target as waves, they are not hitting a flat surface in your lab, but are in stead importations on the edge of the universe (the Zero Horizon). They only hit the information OF the board. Then assume that when you observe the electron passing through the double slit it has to be there.

I think Susskind is right, the universe appears to be a hologram.

I am theoretically doing a thought experi
Note: Use color coding from previous image.

Friday 4 September 2015



Zero, nothing, has some interesting properties. There are only two ways to arrive at it x-x, and x/infinity, these are the only ways to arrive at zero, so in terms of finite things, zero is its own opposite. It can't exist, ever, and thus when one arrives at the point of nothing you are guaranteed to find something. Nothing is a thing which does not exist; it’s a paradox, a logical contradiction, as is zero two exact opposites, always two exact opposites. A thing which is opposed to its self MUST destroy its self:

///A Black Hole///

4Dr, ///Calculate it’s for dimensional radius ///
///(The four dimensional radius of a black hole must exceed the light horizon of the universe, and must exceed the total horizon of the universe to be above the Planck Mass and remain stable. The reason for the necessity of a four dimensional radius is simple, in three dimensional space it is absolutely impossible to observe what is on and beyond the other side of a black hole, hence it must have a four dimensional radius which exceeds the radius of the universe)///


Ru, ///Radius of the universe///


Therefore 0(0)=(4Dr-Ru), 0/(4Dr-Ru)=0    ///!!!!/2, averaged together///
sqrt256= 16,=    [-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] =0
                                        =-16/2                              =16/2
///It is divided by two, I am aware that there is also the negative multiplied by the negative but, Therefore 0(0)=(4Dr-Ru), 0/(4Dr-Ru)=0    !!!!/2, averaged together///

///There is a bit of a race going on: The first theorist to leave the universe wins///

The independent variable of the divisor of zero is irrelevant, because when one breaks the universe down further and further it is not a stretch to find it approaches infinity, in broken parts. So 0/x=0, 0(0)=x   X can be an infinite number. The idea of looking before the initial singularity is a logical contradiction because all one does in this thought process is move the initial singularity, and thus miss the point of the whole thing, you can never, EVER have nothing, and the moment you have it, it will destroy its self and you end up with something.