The Eternal Collapse Model
Note: I was going to edit this to make it look nice, but then I realized
that what this idea suggests is so insane it could be written as eloquently as
Noam Chomsky, the master linguist could put it and it would sound just as big a
delusion of grandeur as it does now, so meh. Also of note, this theory suggests
that every dimension above the fifth dimension is not only needless, but
probably doesn't even exist; String theorists are sure going to love this. Did
I mention that the space between things is not increasing, but the size in
space of the particles is decreasing as they collapse in on themselves, which
seems to relativise-! I dare not say it, draw your own conclusions. May I also
add with Zero Report enthusiasm, LONG LIVE DELATION!. Enjoy Eternal Collapse
If I were a black hole
where would the stuff that went into me ten minutes ago be? Exactly where they
were ten minutes ago of course. Now where they were before that is a variable,
and where they are now is also a variable, but where they were ten minutes is
exact and finite. Which means it’s all a hologram.
At the event horizon,
light can travel in a full circle, time must be stopped, and so what is at the
event horizon must be fixed in time, theoretically. What is beyond the event
horizon must be moving faster than the speed of light, my story shh. The only
thing which is fixed is the event horizon, before and after is variable in
time, because what is beyond the event horizon must be moving backwards in
time, my story shhh. So outside the event horizon, entropy moves in the
direction of its environment, and beyond the event horizon entropy is moving
backwards, which is forwards for that place, shh, and things are moving from a
state of disorder to one of order, which would anger Boltzmann to no end, but
the event horizon is immobile in time.
What if the Hawking Radiation
is the mass in the black hole, in the past, and by forcing it back into the
event horizon, it would be as though that mass never entered, but is recorded
entering on the frozen in time event horizon, which is why no one is talking
about it.
As the Hawking Radiation
is emitted, the black hole is collapsing inwards, and the universe is
expanding, so what if the hawking Radiation is frozen in place and everything
else is moving? That can't be right, that stuff is flying... Unless the
universe is not expanding as we think it is, and everything is in freefall into
its self, particles are less mobile than thought, and these speeds are a
product of eternal collapse.
Energy dilates time,
so what if this dilation is in fact the object slowing down its collapse
inwards on its self, with light being the sufficient dilation to halt that
inwards collapse. The electron looses energy and just collapses into oblivion,
stops somehow, and the rest of the universe collapses into it becoming real
again. Gravity becomes a strong future collective material projection towards unattainable
I have goose bumps, I
don't want to go up against the standard model, those people are titans.
I can't cover the
double slit experiment with this. It covers gravity quite nicely though, not
quantifying it, but actually explaining it, doesn't it. If you can exceed light
speed, you push or rather pull, the whole universe upwards from its collapse,
and approaching light the collapse slows to a crawl.
Along comes mister
smart guy and says, 'I will find oblivion, this stupid universe always makes
sense and I hate it here, I want to turn rocks into ice-cream!' and this
massive star expends its nuclear fuel and collapses into a black hole. Then the
photon sees his event horizon and says 'who hoo, someone finally did it! Enough
gravity for oblivion, big crunch! Big crunch!' then comes the time freezing
event where the photon is trapped forever and the hawking radiation comes forth
(which is just the stuff in the black hole in the past, now moving faster than
light speed) saying 'don't go that way monsieur, this whole place just goes on
Ok, if vacuum energy
could be explained, by stuff falling inwards on its self faster than the rate
of the matter of the observer, then you get a parallel universe. If you exceed
the speed of light, time doesn't go backwards; you break out of the inwards
fall of this universe and enter the fall rate of the universe falling at a
lower rate than the one you left. This thing writes it’s self. Unless it is the
gist of the standard model, which means I can delete this file and run away.
Ok, so our universe
has a horizon at its edge, but is in fact infinite in every direction. Our
universe is collapsing in on its self, which gives the illusion of expansion.
And the fabric of space indicates that there are objects collapsing inwardly
faster than our universe, indicating there are other universes just 'below'
ours. And on top of all that if one could exceed light speed, one would go to a
universe which is collapsing slower than our own, which would also be infinite
in all three dimensional directions? That’s not so mind blowingly frightening
that I want to crawl under a rock. And just think, I may have provided proof
that our universe stretches on infinitely in every direction with this:

I'm in so far over my
head here that I may have quantum leaped, wait, the time 'loss' when I saw God
as the initial singularity, it’s happening again! It has to be like the
standard model, because when you get to the smallest thing, POP you’re in
another universe, and there is a smallest thing in time, because 3dpi=c/pr
As the black hole
moves downwards, through the more collapsed dimensions it approaches the big
crunch, and subsequent oblivion, and radiates from complete nothing hawking radiation,
from an infinite time distance initial singularity. The black hole only
evaporates incidentally, that is only in specific dimensions, but the entire
black hole would exist in the multiverse permanently. this ain't the standard
model, it’s a grand delusion. Now in this model the black hole stretches down
in collapse rate dimensions right to infinity and oblivion, and is an initial
singularity, but it also stretches to higher dimensions and reaches its top
where it was born, most likely in a star. This is insanity, I don't want to
butt heads with the standard model.
I could explain
d-branes, specifically the entire universe branes here too. A brane is an
energy, or collapse rate threshold state. No. No. Ok, electrons are at the
collapse rate cusp between two parallel dimensions, but, and thankfully, no
double slit explanation. Objects in the more collapsed matter dimensions have
more space between it, and matter in the less collapsed dimensions has less
space between it. At the top there is one object, which is a kind of multiverse
past, and at the lowest point, where the singularities go there is nothing,
which must be the source of the initial singularity at the top in the past. Its
not a circle, because there is nothing at the bottom, and all bottoms only
exist in infinity, where oblivion is, but all bottoms have functional and
specific finite dimensional self cancelations, which move the object to a more
inwards collapsed state, what string theorists call branes.
There should be a way
to quantify gravity here in a way not done before. Assuming that a collection
of objects can get where every object is trying to go, collapsed to oblivion,
faster collectively, then the explanation for gravity presents its self, and
can in fact quantify it for individual particles, assuming they are collapsing
in on themselves. Which could make gravity an opposite of what intuition says:
What if gravity is
particles clumping together because its easier to move towards oblivion
collectively, but the result is that this dilates time, preventing, or rather
slowing individual particle collapse into oblivion, with the total fate of
collective gravity being a black hole. But individual particles collapse easily
in on themselves, move to a more collapsed dimension, connect with a larger
object there, which slows their individual collapse, and they are left behind
as the larger object collapses inwards, radiating, and the particle winks back
into the dimension above it, having experienced no time at all within it,
because its rapid inwards collapsed canceled out its effect in the dimension it
originally dropped out of.
You cannot transit
particles from the sun to earth; they only go to a maximum, in infinity, of
half way. No, not really. The earth is drawn to the sun, the sun to the galaxy,
the galaxies to one another, and they to all the other galaxies. What if the
particles don't move by anything but their inwards collapse and their
collective gravity towards oblivion?
This model is so insane;
no one will ever believe me. But there would be a way to prove or disprove it,
in the black hole machine, not in making the black hole, but something more
imaginative. Since this model means a large black hole in our universe leads
through these collapse rates to a star in a higher dimension, it would be theoretically
possible to send something to the instant the micro black hole was made, and
out, which could in theory be detected just ahead of the remainder of the
black hole machine aka. the Light Horizon Circumventor aka. the Lower
Horizontal Constant aka. the Local Horizon Collector aka. the Light Horizon
Collector aka. the Light Horizon Constant, Ha! Does not put enough stuff
together, to dilate enough time to jam up the path to oblivion. Does the
Hawking radiation arrive before it should? Is the universe an eternally collapsing
infinity? Watch the next episode of the Big Bang Theory to find out.
Ok, the clumped
together particles are able to move towards oblivion easier, but by doing so
their surface area increases, thus dilating time and slowing their overall
descent in the rest of the space around them, unless they form a black hole, at
which point they freefall to oblivion, thus giving the illusion of a hologram.
I need more coffee.
///Wait, if this is right This: O<*>O, its almost air tight :-( Wait,
light horizon circumventor, I'm not the first, I'm off scot free. They solved
it ages ago and discarded it, like that movie with the black hole with the
little girls room in it, they wasn't lyi'n dag nab it. I'm not the first; I
have no responsibility, which means I can be irresponsible. They’re not going
to kill me like they killed Tesla, Rupert and Boltzmann, because I didn't
discover this, someone else did before me. Which means it’s all a cover-up to
hide stuff from the Russians and Chinese, like Hamiltonian complexity theory
'not knowing' what non deterministic polynomial time was. Right of course,
Tetris you say, why I am stupid enough to fall into this trap and get sucked
into being a temp for Microsoft or something, a million dollar prize? Will that
be doled out over a lifetime? I'm onto you CERN with your codes, Light Horizon
Circumventor, Light Horizon Constant I say!///
Deflation Forever!, the Zi's THC