It is my belief that emotions are a primitive quantum perception. It is also obvious that there are both predictors and prey, even in human society. Yet our society, obviously idolizing psychopathy, is mostly a society of predictors, and I think I know why: There seems to have arisen a series of psychological symbols which trigger psychopathy such as the infamous 666, and it is my belief that religion exists as a kind of 'delivery system' for this 'mark'.
It is my belief that by simply writing this mark on ones body, one triggers psychopathy in ones self, and this is due to the immense emotional gravity of this symbol. It is also my belief that this 'mark' can't be forced on anyone, and nor can an individual simply partake of it of their ow volition, but it must be offered by another, not in anger, butt in something resembling mercy, and this to is because of the immense emotional gravity of this potent psychological symbol.
How is this then able to be weaponized?
Quite simple: By presenting 666 in a series of images, the specific micro expression individuals make upon sight of this symbol can be recorded, the it is as simple as using the image filters in a neural network to find a new one:
By showing these filters to people, the researcher could, in theory, identify other symbols which have an identical, or equal effect, as the test subjects would make the same micro expression when the image filters narrowed down to the new symbol.
Divide and conquer,
I guess the phrase 'when hell freezes over' has a little less meaning today,