Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Three Dimensional Pi Is Equal To The Speed Of Light Over The Planck Radius

The Planck Radius, Prd= The radius of a Planck mass black hole

C=The speed of light

3dPi=Three dimensional Pi

3dPi= C/Prd

 Because of this I am nicknaming the LHC the Light Horizon Circumventor, and am predicting the eventual engineering of the GHC, the Gravitational Horizon Circumventor.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Theoretical/Simulated Particle Collision

The key to this simulated collision is to be genuine. Here I take two fundamentally opposed concepts, boil them down to their 'proton' like nature and smash them together correctly in the minds of some psychopaths.

The NSA only knows if it worked, and or what effect it will have, but thems the breaks even in voluntary government research I guess...

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Possible Accidental Discovery

I may have accidentally discovered a way to locate information on the surface of a black hole. I began with a theoretical double slit experiment using a light horizon theory I made, located here:

Here is the double slit experiment:
I then asked what should happen with a double slit experiment onto the surface of a black hole:

I think the horizon of the electron(red) may have to be halved, but with a holographic universe, I find the enormous freedom of putting the experiment in the whole universe.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Simulated Double Slit Experiment

In stead of assuming that the electrons hit a target flat surface as waves or particles, in stead assume that when the electrons hit the target as waves, they are not hitting a flat surface in your lab, but are in stead importations on the edge of the universe (the Zero Horizon). They only hit the information OF the board. Then assume that when you observe the electron passing through the double slit it has to be there.

I think Susskind is right, the universe appears to be a hologram.

I am theoretically doing a thought experi
Note: Use color coding from previous image.