Monday, 20 April 2015

Leonard Susskind And Steven Hawking Were Both Right

... Because what is behind the singularity of a black hole from the point of the observer in reality does not exist, so the event horizon of a black hole must be the edge of the universe, in the middle of the universe.

In my books, Hawking is vindicated.

Time Reflections And A Singularity

Convergence And Inverse Time Ripples

    As a convergence approaches, ripples from the future come backwards in time to the present from the singularity or convergence. As the convergence approaches the inverse time ripples become stronger. This is gravity. As one approaches a convergence or a singularity the likelihood of you reaching the convergence or the singularity increases, just the same as one approaches an object its effect's of gravity increase on the one approaching. Gravity is an inverse function of time.

    As one approaches a black hole time for the approacher slows down relative to objects further from the black hole, because the time reflection of the singularity becomes stronger.

    The earth has gravity, yet no singularity, but on closer inspection, earth has no point anywhere where time completely inverts as well. In stead, earth is approaching a singularity, a total convergence which is ever out of reach and thus earths gravity is escape able.

    Conversely a convergence of events also has this point of no return, in which all sequences of events afterwards will be ever altered. Notable convergences on earth are things like the rise of Hitler, The dropping of the atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the fall of the Soviet Union (this is not a collection of good and bad, just fact, the world changed irreversibly after those events and there is no two ways about it), the wheels invention, the discovery of the tool, even religious events are all convergences. Each one of these things first became possible, and because they were possible became more possible until they happened, and each one had a point of no return. Take Hitlers speeches at the Burger Brow(spelling), a likely point of no return, [the crucifixion of Jesus became inevitable (when did that become inevitable?)] , D-Day made the dropping of the atom bomb inevitable, as since the Nazi's were guaranteed to be defeated the dropping of the first two weapons became inevitable to show strength to Stalin. All these events became possible, and because they were possible became more likely until they were a reality, in other words time moving backwards, in other words GRAVITY.

    The great depression. That is the convergence I am looking for, I understand that one and it sums up what happened afterwards nicely. As the stock market bubble approaches a peak, a convergence, the people most heavily invested in the past(which may have been the future, but backwards, eck) profit more and more, and the people most invested in the future (which may have been the past but also inversely, eck squared), profit less and less, then the convergence hits a perfect storm of switches from one 'state' to another with only people with a high birds eye view able to see past the singularity. Suddenly the people who were profiting nearly limitless are losing everything no matter what they do, and the people who were losing everything profit no matter what they do. The people invested in the past seem to move across the singularity with ease, the people with the least, the lowest mass. Whilst the people ever looking to an ever bigger and brighter future, the people with the most AND the most to lose, seem to have had the most trouble passing across the singularity, the convergence, the peak.

Eck is a semi- Garfield term...

It is our new idea that waves may be inverse particles, here are a few 'graphs'

Now the week off I was planning :)

Friday, 17 April 2015

Collision 5 + The Insomnia Sequence

The Insomnia Sequence

1/5=0.2, 1/0.2=5,

[5/0.2=5(5), 0.2/5=0.2(0.2)]

[5/0.2=5(5), 0.2/5=0.2(0.2), 25/0.04=625, 0.04/25=0.0016, 1/0.0016=625, 1/625=0.0016, 0.0016(625)=1, 0.0016(25)=0.04, 625(0.04)=25, 0.04(25)=1, 0.2(5)=1]

625(0.2)=125=[(5/0.2)(5/0.2)](5), [[(5/0.2)(5/0.2)](5)](5)=625, 1/125=0.008, 0.008(0.2)=0.0016,

    The insomnia sequence is virtually bottomless. Any number within the insomnia sequence can be arrived at by various combinations of other numbers in the insomnia sequence, and dividing  one by any number in the insomnia sequence only makes the problem worse, but symmetrically so, because it will give you another number in the insomnia sequence, and if you multiply those numbers or divide them in both orders, you get more numbers in the insomnia sequence which are all directly related, by yes, other numbers in the insomnia sequence. I was going to drag on this paragraph as long as possible, but I am so very tired...

5=a, 0.2=b, 25=c, 0.04=d, 625=e, 0.0016=f

a, 1/a=b, 1/b=a
a/b=a(a)=c, b/a=b, b(b)=d, 1/c=d, 1/d=c,
c/d=c(c)=e, d/c=d, d(d)=f, 1/e=f, 1/f=e,

e/c=c(a), b(e)=c(a), f(c)=d,

4/2=2, 2/4=0.5, 1.5/4=0.375, 1.5/2=0.75

It does not work when anything but one is what is being divided.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Collision 4

The two particles in collision 4 experience time at about 22% of the rate of a particle standing still.

The next attempt will be more accurate. I am shooting for 6.25% the normal flow of time expierenced by the particles.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Two Theoretical Particle Collisions

I am still working out the bugs in my theoretical particle accelerator, but I managed to make two higgledy piggledy collisions last night over about for hours. I am still working out how to translate how to accurately direct where the energy goes at the moment of impact, and how much there is to go where, but none the less...

Here also is a couple of buildings with some correlation to hyper dimensional objects.

Sunday, 12 April 2015

The Theory Of Nothing

Ac, Age current. The current age of universe.
Mc, Mass current. The mass of the observable universe.
Dto, Distance to object. The distance to the object from the observer (in light years).
Mo, Mass observed. The mass of the universe of the object observed.

Ac:Mc, (Ac-Dto):mo

Mc-Mo=Dark Energy. The dark energy value on the object being observed, aka the force that is pulling the object away from the observer (just treat it as gravity that is what it is, except it is pulling the object away from the observer and having no direct gravitational effect on the observer).

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Egypt 'Not by the hand of man'

So the pyramids were not built by the hand of man. I will corroborate this in simple terms. Our current energy supply is finite in the form of petrol chemical energy, peak oil (if you are unfamiliar the links are below) with peak oil is coming soon. Yet to build the pyramids, would require far more advanced technology than our own. It could not, therefore have been possible for humanity to have built a society technologically advanced enough in the past to have built the pyramids in the past AND for there to be enough petroleum left for our civilization to have arisen. NOT POSSIBLE.

Furthermore, since peak oil seems to resolve the Fermi Paradox, if one assumes that earth had at the onset of humanities technological revolution an average amount of petroleum on a cosmic scale, one may be able to comfortably assume that it may NOT have been a technological civilization which built the pyramids, as it may indeed be impossible to liberate sufficient energy from a physical process aside from chemical potential energy stored in decayed plant matter. Though micro black holes do hold some promise for energy sources, along with anti-matter, the structures needed to utilize such energy sources along with nuclear fusion are far too delicate to be sustainable for any period of time.

Since along side of the construction of a large and semi sustainable fusion system there has arisen the mighty particle accelerator, which has opened the door to a multi dimensional universe, such a civilization which could have built the pyramids, would also have been able to weather most stellar catastrophes, save a massive war, which would have left remnants. Yet since petroleum is finite on earth and throughout the universe, it is likely that a technological society does indeed peak.

If a type one civilization needs be technologically to the point at which it no longer needs fossil fuels for its energy, it may in fact be impossible for a type one technological civilization to in fact exist.

Dr. Vallee is quite right in his assertions. The pyramids at Giza were likely built by hyper dimensional beings.

The Cobra attack helicopter Hieroglyph could on first examination be viewed as the Cobra attack helicopter being the path of least resistance in a helicopter design along with the tank Hieroglyph, yet on deeper contemplation both vehicles are directly dependent on petroleum for their basic operation and hence could not have been built on earth by a prior or invasive species. The only explanation is a hyper dimensional one, with at least access to FIVE dimensions, able to move both forward and backwards in time, and to be able to directly influence the time space continuum on both a forwards and backwards direction without meeting the paradoxical effects imposed on three and four dimensional objects.

To describe Nazca as 'the angles doodling would be insulting to many who have studied these drawings, though I can replicate the same angular but straight patterns in video games with certain spells and weapons simply by holding the trigger and looking up. Yes I will refrain from drawing too strong a parallel and suggesting that the angels would doodle in solid rock.

peak oil docs


Try to make a rough estimate of how many barrels of oil it would have taken to produce just Egypt’s pyramids. Conversely take the other master masonry structures around earth and also attempt to determine just how much petroleum it would have taken to cut, move and place those blocks into a structure, also add in the food production for the labor staff, their families, and the leisure industries which would have been needed for these massive construction projects.

Is it possible for there to be any petroleum left after these projects alone, let alone the civilization which would have needed to arise to have produced the technology to build the pyramids?

Lasers, plasma torches, diamond tipped tools. Consider that nuclear waste lasts approximately 35,000 years and that a technological civilization would have utilized nuclear fission and the discrepancy of the lack of complex nuclear isotopes on earth prior to the current civilizations development of nuclear fission. This shoots holes in the alien or ancient civilization theory, as it is possible for the pyramids to be 20,000 years old and possibly thirty thousand years but much older and I believe erosion would have decimated the pyramids much more, at twenty to thirty thousand years there would still be nuclear waste. Where is the nuclear waste?

Then there is the mineral resource problem, earth has finite mineral resources, which humanity has now reached the point of depletion in such key mineral resources such as pure titanium and copper, you cannot even have a technological rise without electricity and you cannot have the beginnings of electricity without copper. How about Uranium? Wouldn’t aliens or a past civilization used up most, if not all of earths Uranium?

Then there are the refined and finished products that a technological society produces which would last not tens but hundreds of thousands of years such as refined titanium products, titanium forms incredibly stable chemical bonds, or refined and shaped diamonds. Would such a society (which is clearly more advanced than humanity at present) also not have been able to bore deeply into the earth’s mantle to mine some of the theorized very large diamonds? Diamonds are absolutely necessary for advanced metal working and construction, specifically for cutting. Then there are things such as the hope diamond cut for sheer esthetic beauty, those diamonds would still be here to be found, and they would be shaped and scattered globally. Take highly advanced bank vaults, even $40 manufactured boron alloy padlock shackles, tungsten rings and manufactured parts, these things will be around possibly tens or even hundreds of thousands of years from now and there would be absolutely no doubt to their being manufactured. This is not to mention carbon nano tubes, which will be around as long as diamonds.

I can only come to one conclusion here, but a quick review of the facts.
1)      Today we could not dream of building the pyramids
2)      If a technological society had built the pyramids there would be virtually no mineral or energy resources left on earth.
3)      The refined technological products of our current society will last in some cases tens if not hundreds of thousands of years.
4)      That it is improbable that the pyramids of Giza have outlasted finished diamonds and carbon nano tubes which would have been developed by any advanced society.
5)      For earth’s petroleum resources to have been replenished after the pyramids were built would make the age of the structures >90 million years. The pyramids may be old, but they are not that old.
6) That such a technological society was not tempted to strip mine earth is unlikely.

The only conclusion that remains is that the Great Pyramids were built by hyper dimensional beings not aliens, not an ancient technologically advanced human civilization, but hyper dimensional beings. Everything else is simply claptrapian hogwash...