Saturday 28 March 2015

Splitting The Singularity Of A Black Hole

There is an immense amount of energy contained in micro black holes which could be utilized in the future but the problem is how to gain access to that energy. The key to getting things out of a black hole my in fact be Hawking Radiation.

Hawking Radiation is a field of particles around the event horizon of a black hole which is made when two virtual particles burst into existence and in stead of simply annihilating one another, one enters the event horizon and since the partner can not interact with it the partner becomes a real particle.

It is my supposition that if Hawking Radiation could be forced into the event horizon of a micro black hole the particle and anti particle would once again annihilate and cease to exists. This would cause a reduction of the mass of the object and thus a reduction of the radius of the event horizon from the singularity and anything in that region of the black hole would be liberated as energy.

This has a downside as well as though such a thing could be utilized as an energy source, the potential for military application is definitely there.

That's It, thanks

Tuesday 17 March 2015

ZI's THC No More, Now The Gateway

I was going to toy with particle physics on my laptop but given that is so well covered by the LHC I am pulling the ol' switcheroo.

Have you ever stared at an old rune or an Asian mandala? Did you see that odd little blue line movement? Did you feel those heart racing moments followed by an almost click? What if those sensations and sights are not hallucinations? What if your mind is not playing a trick on you? What if what you are starring at on the page, the wall or the objects in the room are a two or three dimensional representation of a hyper dimensional object and those sensations you feel whilst looking at them are you brain beginning to grasp the object?

Here on my new blog I am going to attempt to go through many of the 'spiritual' visions, some of the 'extra terrestrial encounters' and any other odd phenomenon in search of complete or near complete hyper dimensional representations that the participants were all exposed to. It is my supposition that the human brain did previously have some perception to extra dimensional space in its fledgling birth, but that natural selection favored brains which learned to tune out these perceptions in favor of a more focused and narrow view. Even some of the hallucinatory effects of narcotics may be explainable as these drugs disable those perceptive barriers which allow humanity to focus on the immediate third dimension to become almost super specialists.

If this supposition is in fact true, I would like to take this time to point out that the largest of these objects in human history is right now forming right here on the internet. The internet is probably soon going to be haunted, if I am in deed correct.

Don't stare at this bad boy, you may not like where it takes you. The gateway to other dimensions is not out there, but inversely its within you.